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Dentists recommend the use of partial dentures for people with missing teeth. These dentures help fill the gap created by teeth that were extracted or missing or that fell out. What most people understand is that this orthodontic device serves esthetic purposes so that people with missing teeth are no longer restricted in flashing their smiles. In a way, using dentures help boost a persons confidence, making them feel good about themselves and their smiles. Additionally, partial dentures provide support to the mouth, help people chew their food and maintain the shape of their faces.

When a tooth is extracted or missing, the remaining teeth tend to shift from their positions and fill the empty spaces left by the missing teeth. Without this device, the teeth are also likely to have a crooked and unpleasant appearance due to the unbalanced force createdone tooth is pushed in the direction of the tooth gap without anything that will counter balance from that side.

Partial dentures are designed to fill the gaps that were created, thus creating gap-free teeth alignment. Here, the natural teeth stay in their original positions. No teeth movement occurs since the spaces created by the missing teeth are filled.

In addition to their esthetic purpose, partial dentures prevent other problems that might arise from spaced teeth, like temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems. This disorder causes headaches, ear aches and jaw pain, among others.

With those gaps closed and filled, one can now have painless jaw movement as well as a gap-free, beautiful smile.
